Online Subsystem

To use our Online Subsystem integration, you'll need to update your *.Target.cs 's Beam.ConfigureGame method call. As well as re-running, "Path/To/SDK/Clone" true with a second argument as true.

To enable the Enabling Online subsystem would require updating the value of the second argument of that method, Beam.OssConfig value, example values for Hathora sample project:

var oss = new Beam.OssConfig()
    IsEnabled = true,

    HooksEnabled = true,
    HookSubsystemImplementation = "FOnlineSubsystemHathoraDemo",
    HookSubsystemIncludePath = "Customer/OnlineSubsystemHathoraDemo.h",

    AdditionalHookModules = new[] { "HathoraSDK" }