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Hathora Demo

This demo, created from UE's FPS Template, show-cases how you can use the Unreal SDK, OnlineSubsystemBeamable and Beamable Microservices to integrate with Hathora (a game server orchestration provider).

Aside from our BeamableCore Plugin and assets from the FPS Template, here's what the sample contains:

  • BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo Unreal Plugin.: Contains the UE implementation for the game-server and client.
  • Microservice/HathoraDemo Microservice: Microservice containing code that ties Beamable's matchmaking system and Hathora's Game Server Orchestration system.
  • Pre-Built Linux Dedicated Server Binaries: Building dedicated servers is time-consuming so... we give you a build that can be configured via Environment Variables so you can test the sample as fast as possible.
  • OnlineSubsystemBeamable/Customer/** Extension: Code added to the OnlineSubsystemBeamable plugin to extend our implementation of IOnlineSubsystem interfaces with code specific to the Hathora demo.

To set up this sample you'll need a few things:

  • A Beamable Account and a Realm.
  • A Hathora Account.
  • A downloaded build (link to git-hub action artifacts of release tag build).

To configure the sample, set the BeamProjOverride.txt to BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo, re-generate your project files and run the BeamableUnreal project (it'll be configured as the BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo sample).

Setting up Beamable & Hathora

Since this sample requires several resources, we do not host it ourselves. So, in order to access the sample you'll need to configure a Beamable realm so you can use it.

  1. Go to the Beamable Portal and create a new Beamable realm called hathora-demo.
  2. Go to the Portal (Account) and set aside your Customer Id (CID).
  3. Go to the Portal and set aside your realm's PID and Realm Secret (Games -> YourGame -> hathora-demo).
  4. Compile and open the BeamableUnreal editor (it'll be configured as the BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo) project.
  5. Sign into your Beamable account and go to the hathora-demo realm.
    1. Hit Apply to Build.
  6. Open the Content Window.
    1. Verify that there are two game_types: solo_queue and training.
  7. Hit Publish and wait.
  8. Go to the Portal (Operate -> Content) and verify that the content is there.
  9. Open a bash terminal at the BeamableUnreal root directory.
  10. Run dotnet beam project enable --with-group BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo
  11. Run dotnet beam project disable --without-group BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo
  12. Guarantee Docker is open and running.
  13. Run dotnet beam deploy plan.
    1. This tells you details about the services you would deploy given your project's local state.
  14. Run dotnet beam deploy release --latest-plan.
    1. This deploys the services outlined by the generated plan in the previous command.
  15. Go to the Portal (Operate -> Microservices) to verify that the microservices have initialized.

Now, we'll go set up a Hathora account and upload the sample dedicated server build:

  1. Log into your Hathora account.
  2. Create an App and set aside its AppId.
  3. In the Hathora Portal, go to Profile -> Settings.
  4. Create and set aside two tokens: game-server and matchmaking-server.
  5. Deploy a new version by uploading the .tar file we provided for the sample.
    1. Configure the Instance Profile as a "medium".
  6. Set up the following environment variables with the values you set aside:
    2. BEAMABLE_REALM_OVERRIDE = Your hathora-demo Realm's PID
    3. BEAMABLE_REALM_SECRET = You hathora-demo Realm's Secret
    5. HATHORA_DEV_TOKEN = The game-server dev token.
  7. Make sure the 7777 UDP port is exposed.
  8. Make sure that the number of rooms per processes is 1.
  9. Finish the deployment process and verify that the deployment was successful.

Realms and Hathora

Hathora recommends users create one Hathora account per dev-environment. In Beamable, that is equivalent of having one Hathora account per Beamable Realm; one for dev, another for staging and yet another for prod. This is so you can have multiple deployments up at the same time for different purposes (the live deployment in prod vs a QA-testing build in staging and the current stable/nightly in dev).

Now that your Hathora account is configured to boot up our provided build, we need to configure the hathora-demo realm with the information it needs to correctly provision a server whenever a match is made.

  1. Go to the Beamable Portal and open the Realm Config page of the hathora-demo realm (Operate -> Config).
  2. Hit the Add Config button.
  3. Set the following key-value pairs for the namespace hathora_integration.
    1. app_id -> Your Hathora AppId
    2. dev_token -> Your matchmaking-server dev token

Now, you are ready to join a match through PIE.

Playing the sample through PIE

In order to play the sample using a dedicated server in Hathora:

  1. Set your Multiplayer Options -> NetMode to Play as Standalone and open the Hathora Demo map.
    1. If you can't find it, turn on Content Browser -> Settings -> Show Plugin Content and look inside the BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo content folder.
  2. Run PIE.
  3. The first time you are running, type in an email/password and hit register.
    1. In subsequent runs OR if you use the same email/password as your Beamable account, hit Login instead.
  4. After you're signed in, hit the Training button and observe the logs. If you look at Hathora's Portal, you'll be able to see the server spinning up for you to play in. If you look at the your Microservice logs (Operate -> Microservice -> HathoraDemo -> Logs), you'll be able to see its communication with Hathora.
  5. After a match is found --- 30 seconds later you'll connect to the actual server and see the match.
  6. Move around a while and then simply PIE.

Cold Starts

The first run of the application might time out due. If that happens, simply wait until you see a log line in the UE Log window that says "DeleteTicket" show up and simply re-join the queue.

To test this out with two players (this is max players for this sample):

  1. Set your Multiplayer Options -> NetMode to Play as Client and your Multiplayer Options -> Number of Players to 2.
  2. Sign into different accounts in each PIE instance.
  3. Hit the Solo Queue button instead of the Training one in both PIE instances.
  4. Wait for a bit and both PIE instances will be matched against each other.

Known Issue - Network Version Mismatch

There's a known issue that'll prevent you from actually getting PIE to connect to the Hathora URL; its an version mismatch problem with the Linux Build we generate. The error is called OutdatedClient --- and was seen even when the versions should be matching exactly. This is being actively investigated and a fix should be released in the next version.

You can still see the entire flow happening. - If you look at your UE client logs, you can see that you correctly receive the lobby information with a valid Hathora connection string. - If you look at your Hathora Console, you can see the room being created and even the connection attempt.

So there's still some value in looking into this sample in this version until this is fixed so we opted to release it anyway.

What can you do with this sample?

This sample is NOT a template you can start your own repository from.

However, its Beamable code components are free for you to copy and use in your own project. Here's what these are:

  • The HathoraDemo Microservice.
  • Beamable code inside BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo except code inside a ThirdParty directory.
  • Content inside the BEAMPROJ_HathoraDemo except things inside a ThirdParty directory.

Why don't we provide a client build too?

Because clients must be pointed at your organization's hathora-demo realm. As such, you'd need to generate the build yourself, which you can do by packaging it normally for any of our supported platforms.